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Quentin Brissaud

Geophysicist/Data-scientist at NORSAR. Working (remotely) from Los Angeles.

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Reference: B. Dando, B. Goertz-Allmann, Q. Brissaud, et al. Exposing military attacks in the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict using seismic array data. Nature (in review, 2023) https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2613796/v1

Our seismo-acoustic team at NORSAR has been actively working with seismic and infrasound data from Ukraine to monitor the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war in real time. We have collected unprecented insights about the spatial and time evolution of the conflict. Our work will be published soon and also be presented at the 2023 EGU meeting. See below for more information about our study.